Most Influential blogs of 2012

Most influential blogs of 2012

Most influential blogs of 2012

Being nominated for the Most Influential Blogs of 2012 really shocked me into  another world reality.

Justice for Raymond nominated this blog for the award, therefore, I thank Ray’s Mom for this honor. Her blog is versatile, interesting, sad and newsworthy. I can see why her blog would be chosen, so be sure to check out her blog.

There are some really great blogs I read and I am always influenced in some way by all of them.

There are no rules for this award, so the blogs that influenced me in some way are listed below, however, they are not necessarily limited to this list. Some of the blogs I read no longer accept awards; they know who they are. Some of the others who do are (alphabetical order) :

Chittle Chattle

 Emjayandthem’s Blog

Lori’s Lane




Russel Ray Photos


The Quotidian Hudson

Women’s Window

Thank you again for this award, Ray’s Mom. I am honored that I have said something along the way that meant something to you!

11 thoughts on “Most Influential blogs of 2012

  1. Congratulations Miss Linda, and I’m honored that you thought of me for the award. Not sure if I can get to it. I’m falling behind on my writing. Been tagged in a travel blog as well and I don’t think I can get to it either. Thank you again, my friend.


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