Harmonia Church


Harmonia Church


Years ago, small community life revolved around the church. I will be tracing the history and changes of this church; this church whose history is being rewritten by those who choose not to research, nor remember, the original beginnings.


The first 17 years of my life I was in church three times on Sunday and on Wednesday night. My family has a long history with this church, even though, as I stated it is being mainly ignored at this time.


Perhaps I am not there enough to make this judgment call, and if I am mistaken, I apologize to those who know more than I.


My last time there I was shocked at the reading of the history. Our name was not brought up once and there we all sat…two rows of Robertson’sand anyone over 40 years of age knew that our great, great-grandfather had helped to establish this church by donating the land. This is also in dispute as well but I have the paperwork from the Attala County Courthouse of record.


English: Attala County courthouse in Kosciusko...
English: Attala County courthouse in Kosciusko, Mississippi, United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


However, a little background on the Methodist Protestant Church in Mississippi.The first Methodist Protestant Church in Mississippi began in Jasper County in 1829 following the convention in Baltimore in November, 1828. The McCormick family states that John McCormick with two brothers moved from Alabama to the Mississippi Territoryin 1810, to what is now Jasper County. The family has lived there since, and at present there are several fourth and fifth generation members still occupying the old home place bought from the Indians. This first church in Mississippi was named Hopewell with John McCormick being the first Methodist Protestant Preacher. (Bassett’s History of the Methodist Protestant Church, Third Edition,1882).


This movement spread rapidly throughout the State after this. The next segment will trace our lineage into this movement.


4 thoughts on “Harmonia Church

  1. You went to church a LOT when you were a young’un, Linda. Three times on Sunday and Wednesday night? My goodness, that church has seen a lot of prayin’.


    1. Yes, we all prayed a lot. I am not sure if I knew what I was praying for or against. Mainly, in the last years, I just hoped the minister would not read 12 verses because if he did that meant we would be there for at least an hour and a half, so I suspect, I prayed for short sermons!


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