Introducing Huntsville, AL

DSCF0011 Huntsville InnToday, I made my quarterly visit to see the Internist. He gives me a B12 shot for energy and to ward off Alzheimer’s, he states.

I left his office after being diagnosed as “Clumsy” for falling once again; on my right side, once again; yet not breaking any bones because I am a little fluffy. He wants me to lose weight, however, I think I shan’t because when I fall over stools (not in their rightful place) I have some cushion to keep from breaking bones.

This year I wanted to show readers a little about my adopted city. I started today, deciding to give a mini history lesson. This actually turned out a rather decent photo, made in the rain as did the photo below!

This building was where the first Alabama Legislature met on October 25, 1819. The Alabama Constitution orginated in Huntsville in 1819, presumably in this building. Alabama was admitted as the 22nd state in the United States. Huntsville was, in 1819, the oldest and biggest town in the Tennessee Valley. It became the first capital of Alabama. Alabama’s first governor was William Wyatt Bibb, a Georgia physician with powerful friends in Washington. While Huntsville was the capital, the House met in the courthouse, and the Senate is believed to have met in the house of John K. Dunn, this house.

DSCF0015 Three Story Historic Building in Downtown Huntsville

10 thoughts on “Introducing Huntsville, AL

  1. Hi,
    Great bit of history you have in your town, interesting read and nice research.
    They just don’t make buildings like this anymore, still standing beautifully after all this time. I love the arches over some of the windows, it certainly dresses them up nicely.


  2. Interesting … very nice post! The day before yesterday, I happened to watch a full hour of TV about Alabama. A lot was about Huntsville, and then I thought about you. They showed aerial views …. beautiful really.


  3. Hey Lady, could be a hell of a lot worse. You could be the Big Cheese at a munitions factory, wouldn’t be there long,

    Forget the “fluffy” and try, TRY what your Doc indicated.


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