Sad Observer

yesterday she read a book

she mailed thank you notes

she picked up the mail and the blue recycle bin

she went to the bank

she is so sad

there is nothing

to report

9 thoughts on “Sad Observer

  1. I don’t want you to be sad. I have nothing to report either. But, there are things to observe around us. You mentioned you people watch on occasion. What have you observed there lately?


  2. I saw a weather map tonight, how the cold air is covering North America.
    At least you have the iPad. That’s always a distraction. I did go out … briefly though. Did some people watching in the grocery store. The guy in front of me, at the check out, bought 60 eggs and a pail of mayo. Mmm…


    1. Sixty eggs? Wonder what or whom he is feeding?

      Sometimes I ask the iPad questions it cannot answer. I wonder if I should go see the movie about the guy who has a love affair with his computer?


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