Dare to be Different

Once upon a time there was a little girl who believed that people said what they meant and meant what they said. One moonlight night she went away. She was so tiny and afraid because she felt invisible. No one would miss her. Perhaps she did not laugh enough or perhaps she was so different and no one wanted different.

The grassy fields are still there; they hear her foot steps from time to time; they hear the laughter no one else had ever heard; the music rides the wind as she plays with willful joy; she runs with the deer and hides with the rabbit as the night wears down and the morning light appears. She is invisible.

She sits in the silence. She is invisible. Her soul plays among the clouds and cries with the rain. She sees the people who do not mean what they say nor say what they mean and feels bereft of ever understanding the whys of the earth people because she is too different from them to know what they mean. She has no one to translate the world for her.

She runs with the deer and hides with the rabbit. She is invisible.

5 thoughts on “Dare to be Different

  1. I wrote this last night. It was as if the Universe was pulling me back home; something was out of line. Now I am sure it was Susan preparing to leave this life. Maybe she came to me as I sat and wrote this not knowing she planned to leave. Perhaps this is wishful thinking.


  2. This moves me with its longing. It’s a desperate sort. I think anyone who is tired of dishonesty and anyone who has refused to follow the crowd without legitimate reasons to follow, can relate to this story. Maybe I read too much into it–or too little–but that’s part of the beauty of how it’s written, I think. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, you are correct in your assissment. Refusing to follow the crowd; daring to be different takes more than a little courage, and sometimes it is best to be invisible as you work to be who you are.
      Thanks for your comment! You are welcome here anytime.


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